Friendship Class
Teacher ~ Harris McCollum
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.” This is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22: 37-39) It is our desire to live by these precepts. Come and join us on Sunday mornings. There is parking on the streets as well as in the back at the rear of Stepping Stones Learning Center. You will be met by a greeter who will direct you to the classroom.
Sunday School begins at 9:45. Come and study God’s word with us. We have lecture and discussion. We learn as the scripture is opened to us. Our mission is to help others in need and we do that through the Putnam County Christian Outreach and projects requested by the Women’s Ministry of the Church
We celebrate our members’ birthdays with singing, cards and phone calls. Our sick are remembered in prayer and with cards.
The class is made up of men and women between the ages of 65-90. We have both singles and couples in our group. We often have fellowships and enjoy experiencing the love of each other as well as the love of the Lord. We are currently studying Smith and Helwys Curriculum.